Security is on everyone’s mind at the moment. We have all heard about the scams and now the Optus hack has brought it even closer to home.
We wanted to take the opportunity to reassure you that the security of your information is of utmost importance to us at FPD.
Any data we hold is stored safely and securely at a data centre in Sydney. The data is regularly backed up and subject to rigourous security testing procedures. In turn, our partners take security very seriously. Many of the providers we work with use encryption to secure connections, store data at secure data centres and regularly undertake security assessments.
However, we can always do better.
Over the last few months we have been trialing our client hub. The FPD client hub has a number of features, however, one pertinent feature is the ability to upload information (data, statements) via a secure system as opposed to sending personal information via an email attachment. This goes both ways, if we request a signature or information from you, you can securely upload it to the client hub. If we need to send you any information or forms (other than blank forms), we can store them in the client hub, and you can download them knowing they have been securely encrypted. We have taken the step of rolling this out to all clients as we request information or need to send you information. We have put together a guide to steer you through and any of our team are happy to help.
We encourage you, if you do log in to accounts that we have established for you, such as HUB24, CFS or other accounts, that if it is available, to action the Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) on the platform. MFA is designed to protect users from attacks and reduces the risk of your account being compromised in the event of a data breach. Should you wish to discuss this further, or need any help registering for MFA on a particular platform, please let us know.
Our software partner is working with us to establish MFA on our client hub and once available, we will make this mandatory to ensure that we are doing everything we can.
If you have any concerns at all, please contact our office on 1300 014 368 to discuss